An Excerpt From A Technical Report

I would like to share a portion of my technical report. It is one of the advantages of the district cooling system, its energy efficiency.

"District cooling systems have proved to be a better solution for energy efficiency. According to Dincer and Abu-Rayash (2020), district cooling systems are 40% more efficient compared to conventional cooling systems like the air-conditioner.  A network that includes electric chillers for cold storage helps to reduce peak electricity demand for cooling in urban areas by shifting production to those periods of the day and night (Therma-Mech, 2019)."


Dincer, I., & Abu-Rayash, A. (2020). District Cooling System. ScienceDirect. 

Therma-Mech. (2019, September 20). The Ultimate Guide to District Cooling. Therma-Mech. 


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